Introduction to Series: Executing Mental Health in the Workplace

Over the past seven years, we have had the privilege of aligning with clients and business leaders who place a major emphasis on enhancing the mental well-being of their workplace.

When these types of paradigm shifts towards mental health take place at a leadership level, this permeates the entire organization; from more comprehensive mental health benefits offered to staff, to a corporate culture of transparency, acceptance and ultimately growth and resiliency. In short, we were inspired to launch a series of profiles on these companies which will highlight their philosophy towards mental health in the workplace, and how they integrate this into a strategic priority within their organization.

One of the four pillars of the Bell Let’s talk campaign is to raise awareness around workplace mental health, and now more than ever, stakeholders need to prioritize this. Mental illness in the workplace often represents a ‘chicken and egg’ scenario; are staff coming into the workplace with a mental illness? Or is the workplace causing or contributing to the mental illness? The reality is that this is often a two-way street, and regardless of where the mental illness started, as employers, we have an obligation to our teams to provide them with the most comprehensive mental health resources available.

We hope you will be as inspired by these stories as we have been in working with these individuals and companies!


Executing Mental Health in the Workplace Series – Company Profile: Social Nature & Annalea Krebs


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