Mental health programs

Update your mental health offering as the foundation for your team’s holistic wellbeing.


Mental health is the new bottom line efficiency. With the benefits market being inundated with mental health & wellness platforms, it can be hard to know where to start, or how to tailor a plan to adequately address the unique mental health needs of your industry or team.

Our expertise when it comes to mental health and benefits is unparalleled. We align employers with comprehensive, evidence-based mental health programs that inform the unique mental health risk and profile of their company.

Mental health and mental illness operate along a continuum, and different types of mental illness can take on many different forms and comorbidities throughout someone’s lifespan. This means that a spectrum of mental health needs should have a spectrum of mental health practitioners to help address them. The majority of traditional mental health programs can only capture a segment of this need.

Difficulty in navigating the mental health care system in Canada is one of the primary reasons someone will not seek or access adequate mental health care for themselves or a family member.

A tech-enabled mental health program starts as an access point for your team, and eliminates the barriers of complexity for many working Canadians trying to navigate their mental health journey.

Additional details:

  • If you are not currently offering benefits, but you want to offer a mental health program to your staff which is comprehensive, accessible and affordable.

  • If you operate in an industry with a higher risk mental health profile (i.e., restaurants, healthcare, remote work), and you feel you need a mental health offering more tailored to meet these unique needs.

  • If you’re looking for a vehicle which can adequately inform any of the company’s policies relating to wellness, safety and psychological health.

Update your mental health offering to support your team’s holistic wellbeing.

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